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6 inch hdpe pipe

Product Description



Some of the unique advantages of specifying HDPE for your next project include


Handling - HDPE pipes are easier to handle and install than other pipe materials, offering significant cost advantages and return on investment. As HDPE is approximately one-eighth the density of steel, heavy lifting equipment is not required for installation. the flexibility of HDPE allows for bending without additional fittings and can be easily installed in continuous lengths over uneven terrain.


Reduced installation costs - HDPE is particularly suitable for trenchless applications because of its seamless capability and flexible nature, allowing bending radii of 20 to 25 times the outer diameter of the pipe. HDPE is commonly used for directional drilling, ploughing, river crossings, pipe bursting and slip lining. HDPE piping systems require fewer fittings and can be welded into seamless, leak-free pipes, resulting in significant labour and equipment savings.


Hot-fusion joints - HDPE pipes can be hot-fused together to form a joint that is as strong or stronger than the pipe itself, while being virtually leak-free. Butt welding and electrofusion are the most common and reliable welding techniques used to weld HDPE, offering significant installation advantages over traditional piping materials.


Corrosion and chemical resistance - HDPE pipes will not rust, corrode, nodule or support biological scaling or growth and have excellent chemical resistance compared to traditional pipeline materials. HDPE performs very well in mining, dredging and similar applications, resists many more expensive pipeline materials and has excellent resistance to corrosive acids, alkalis and salts. HDPE is also unaffected by bacteria and fungi and is resistant to many organic substances.


Excellent flow characteristics - because HDPE pipe is smoother than steel, cast iron, ductile iron or concrete, a smaller diameter HDPE pipe can produce equivalent volumetric flow at the same pressure.


It has less resistance at high flow rates and a lower tendency to turbulence. HDPE's excellent chemical resistance and non-stick surface properties virtually eliminate scaling and pitting, maintaining excellent hydraulic characteristics throughout the life of the piping system.


Quick learning curve for installers - learning how to use HDPE in the design and installation of piping systems is easier than you might think.


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