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fiber optic fence security system

A fiber optic fence security system that can be mounted on a fence, buried underground or deployed in a top-of-wall configuration. It can also be used to protect data pipes and buried ducts. Advanced adaptive signal processing and integration options ensure the highest level of security and performance.

Product Description





Fiber Optic Fence Security System


A fiber optic fence security system that can be mounted on a fence, buried underground or deployed in a top-of-wall configuration. It can also be used to protect data pipes and buried ducts. Advanced adaptive signal processing and integration options ensure the highest level of security and performance.


Detection Capabilities


Detects and locates perimeter intrusions over distances of up to 40 km (24.85 mi) per processor

Pinpoints intrusions with a +/-1 m (3.25 ft) accuracy

Flexible, software-based zoning

Accurately detects and locates multiple simultaneous intrusions

Reports alarms by zone number, cable distance and/or GPS coordinates.


Experience Intelligence


The Fiber optic fence security system detects and reports common and complex intrusion attempts almost immediately. Unlike general purpose AI systems that require extensive training and can fail in the presence of unseen intrusion data, have built-in intelligence, work out of the box, and provide the highest level of performance and system confidence.


Cut Immunity


When a sensor cable is cut, either by accident or by an attempt to tamper with the sensor, the Fiber optic fence security system immediately reports the event, including its exact location. In addition, the sensor retains the ability to detect and locate intrusions up to the point of cut. When installed in a cut-resistant configuration, the sensor continues to provide detection throughout the perimeter even after the cable is cut.


How it works

The Fiber optic fence security system works by transmitting laser pulses into a single-mode fiber and precisely measuring the small light reflections that occur along its length. Fiber disturbances caused by fence vibrations change the amount of light returned from that point. fiber optic fence security system's reflectometer-based technology does not require light to travel through the entire length of the cable. If the cable is cut, the Fiber optic fence security system retains the ability to detect and locate intrusions before the point of cut, allowing the system to support cut-resistant configurations.



Protects sites with confidence

Fiber optic fence security system is ideally suited to protect a variety of sites, including airports, campuses, correctional institutions and petrochemical facilities.

Complementary multi-layer detection algorithms minimize false alarms from environmental influences such as wind and rain:

Accurate ranging provides "environmental disaggregation" to prevent alarms from randomly distributed disturbances in the area

Environmentally Derived Adaptive Processing Technology (EDAPT) adjusts the detection process to compensate for the presence of continuous and extensive background noise caused by environmental impacts, reducing false alarms and improving safety

Enhances existing fences

Fiber optic fence security system for chain link, welded wire and expanded metal mesh fences. Depending on the specific characteristics of the fence, the sensor can also be used for fenced fences.

Gate Protection

Fiber optic fence security system sensor cables can be mounted on swing gates to provide detection, and the gate area itself can be configured as a separate detection zone.

Buried Perimeter Detection Applications

When an intruder moves on the ground above buried fiber optic sensor cables, whether walking, running or crawling, it generates characteristic vibrations. The system distinguishes these from background vibrations and the Fiber optic fence security system raises an alarm when detection criteria are met.

Versatile Sensor Cables

The Fiber optic fence security system uses single-mode fiber optic sensors within a carrier-grade cable. The unused fiber in the cable can also be used for other purposes, including networking and providing communications for other sensors and security devices installed along the perimeter.

Networking and Integration

The integrated 4U sensor unit includes all necessary detection and gateway software - no separate integration server is required.

Top-of-Wall Applications

For perimeter walls, the Fiber optic fence security system's sensor cables are mounted at the top corners of the wall. The system detects any impact on the sensor cable by an intruder's hands, feet or climbing aids. For maximum security, the sensor cable can be mounted on the inside and outside of the wall.


Benefits of Fiber Optic Sensors

Fiber optic sensors are ideally suited for locations that are sensitive to electromagnetic energy. These sensors are immune to EMI and lightning, are intrinsically safe in explosive environments, and do not require power or conductive components in the field.



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