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Potassium Humate Humic acid 98% Powder/Crystal/Flake

Potassium Humate Humic acid 98% Powder/Crystal/Flake

Product Description

Potassium Humate 98% Flake, which is derived from Leonardite, a natural source. This substance contains a high concentration of humic acid and serves as a beneficial plant stimulant and soil conditioner. Its quality makes it suitable for various uses in agriculture, horticulture, landscaping, and gardening.
One of its notable advantages is its high solubility, which allows for easy formulation with different fertilizers and pesticides. This versatility makes it adaptable for compound fertilizer production, irrigation systems, and foliar spray applications. Its ease of storage and transportation further enhances its practicality for widespread use in agricultural settings and home gardening. The ability of Potassium Humate 98% Flake to enhance plant growth, improve soil structure, and aid nutrient absorption makes it a valuable asset for promoting healthier and more productive plants across various settings.

Categories: Organic FertilizerPotassium Humate



Humic Acid

Fulvic Acid





Potassium Humate









Powder / Granular






Powder /Crystal/Flake






Powder  /Flake






Powder  /Flake

Direction for use:

1. Base fertilizer: 2-4 kg per mu, used with farm manure or chemical fertilizer mixing, or directly ditch, digging and pouring, paddy field can be used together before land preparation.
2. Topdressing: At seedling stage and before heading, 200-250 kg of 0.2% solution per mu is used. The instructor can wash the paddy field with water near the root system (not touching the root system). It can raise seedlings, strengthen ears and promote growth and development.
3. Leaf spraying: 0.5 kg per mu, 0.01% - 0.1% concentration, according to different crop requirements to determine the concentration and dosage.
4. Soaking seeds: generally with 0.5% - 0.005% concentration, vegetable, wheat, corn and other thin-skinned seeds soaked for 5-10 hours, cotton, broad bean and other thick-skinned seeds soaked for about 24 hours, can improve the germination rate of seeds and seedling rooting ability.
5. Soaking roots, soaking cuttings and dipping roots: soaking for several hours before transplanting at the concentration of 0.01%-0.05%. After treatment, the rooting rate is fast, secondary roots are increased, slow seedling period is shortened, survival rate is high, disease resistance and stress resistance are achieved.
6.Root spraying: from late flowering stage to early filling stage of crops, spraying 2-3 times outside the roots,about 200 kg each time , concentration of 0.01% - 0.05%, can promote nutrient transfer from stem and leaf to ear, make the grains full, spraying time of 14-18 hours is the best.

Function and Advantages of Potassium Humate 98% Flakes / Powder:

1. It can improve the physical characteristics of soil, improve the structure of soil aggregates, reduce soil compactness and achieve good conditions.
2. Increase the cation exchange capacity and fertilizer retention capacity of soil to absorb and exchange plant nutrients, improve the slow-acting of fertilizer, increase the soil fertilizer and water conservation capacity.
3. Provide the activities of soil beneficial microorganisms.
4. Promote the decomposition of man-made (such as pesticides) or natural toxic substances and their effects.
5. Increase the ability of soil to slow down and neutralize soil PH.
6. Colored black helps to absorb heat and plant early in spring
7. It directly affects cell metabolism, improves crop respiration and photosynthesis, and enhances crop resistance to stress, such as drought and drought. Cold and disease resistance
8. Release nutrients needed by plants after decomposition
9. Strengthen roots and increase yield, improve crop quality and improve melon and fruit sweetness.


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