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capacitive touch screen

Product Description




A capacitive touch screen is a control display that utilizes the electrical properties of the human body as input.

When a finger (or a specialized input device such as a stylus) touches the display, it detects when and where the user touches the display. As a result, capacitive displays can receive accurate input from very light touches.


How does a capacitive touchscreen work?

Capacitive touchscreens consist of a thin layer of conductive material, such as copper or indium tin oxide (ITO), printed on the underside of the insulating outer layer of the display. When a finger touches the screen, the contact point absorbs a small charge, effectively becoming a functional capacitor. The resulting change in the electrostatic field is then measured to pinpoint where the contact occurs.

Types of Capacitive Touch Screens

There are two main types of capacitive touch screen technology: projected and surface.

Surface capacitance is the more basic of the two technologies, with only one side of the insulator coated with a conductive layer.

In contrast, projected capacitance uses a matrix of rows and columns of one or two layers of conductive material. This grid pattern allows for superior precision and multi-touch functionality.

Advantages of Capacitive Touch Screen Technology

Multi-touch capability: With 10-point multi-touch support, our capacitive touch monitors enable smooth and precise touch interactions, allowing you to perform tasks efficiently.

Wide range of sizes: From 7 inches to 55 inches, we offer a variety of sizes to cater to diverse needs and environments.

High-definition visuals: Enjoy crisp, clear, and vibrant images with our full HD and 4K resolution options.

Robust construction: Our monitors are built with industrial-grade components, ensuring durability and reliability even in the most demanding environments.

Compatibility: Our capacitive touch monitors are compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Android.

Customizable options: We offer customization options to suit your specific requirements, from touch technology to display size and more.

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