Fiber Bragg Grating demodulator by scanning spectrum ensures high-resolution demodulation over 40nm range with a narrow-band semiconductor laser, offering real-time monitoring of temperature, stress, strain, and displacement; click to procure this reliable and temperature-stable device for your static FBG measurements.
This is a type of fiber optic pressure sensor based on the Fabry-Perot interference principle, which has the advantages like: immune to EI/RFI, small size, reliable measurement in harsh environments, high precision and corrosion resistance. It is mainly used in places where high temperatures and high pressure may occur (oil and defense industry) and in harsh and dangerous environments.
Substrate: Silicon single crystal Diameter :0.5-100mm Thickenss:5-20mm Dimension Tolerance: +/-1um, +/-2um, +/-3um
Substrate: Sapphire Diameter :0.5-100mm Thickenss:5-20mm Dimension Tolerance: +/-1um, +/-2um, +/-3um
Substrate: Ruby Diameter :0.5-100mm Thickenss:5-20mm Dimension Tolerance: +/-1um, +/-2um, +/-3um
Substrate: aluminium oxide Diameter :0.5-100mm Thickenss:5-20mm Dimension Tolerance: +/-1um, +/-2um, +/-3um
Shape: Round or SSubstrate CaF2 Single Crystal Crystal Orientation No orientation, or <100>, <110>,<111> as choice Size 3-200mm Custom Made Thickness 0.5-60mm Dimension Tolerance +0/-0.1mm Shape Round or Square, prism, cylindrical, spherical etc chipping <0.1mm Bevel <0.2*45degree Surface Accuracy λ/2,λ/4,λ/8,λ/10 Surface Quality 80-50,60-40,40-20,20-10,10quare, prism, cylindrical, spherical etc
Shape:Round or Square, prism, cylindrical, spherical etc
Crystal Orientation: No orientation, or <100>, <110>,<111> as choice
Shape: circular,rectangular, wedged, cone,tube, window with hole, dome, irregularly shape, customized
Shape: circular,rectangular, wedged, cone,tube, window with hole,dome,irregularly shape, customized
Shape: circular,rectangular, wedged, pin, window with hole,irregular shape, customized
SF-TCY-DC09 can quickly and accurately use electromagnetic signals to detect soil differences without excavating the ground soil. It can identify various materials such as gas, water, cables, and optical fibers in the soil to confirm the position, burial depth, direction, and approximate diameter of the pipeline;Detectable pipeline top and bottom burial depth;
SF-TCY-MTG07 can quickly and accurately detect various types of metal and non-metallic materials such as PE, PVC, fiberglass, cement, gas, water, cables, and optical cables without excavating the ground soil; Can confirm the location, burial depth, direction, and diameter of the pipeline.
HENGFENG VLF hipot tester is a test set to test the condition of power cables and generators. It can realize the full automatic voltage rising, dropping, measurement and protection. Besides VLF testing, it can also perform DC testing.
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